Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Some photos

I don't garden anymore, but I do have some photos from earlier... This will gradually become a log of herbal tips and lore...

Photo: Monks hood, also known as Wolfsbane and Aconite


Blogger Lynx said...

Have you considered Container Gardening indoors? Just don't try to grow any marigolds, you know how they mess up your allergies! The only contrindication that I can think of at the moment would be the Furkins getting into the plants, but I am sure that you are creative enough to find an answer to that....
Or you could come visit my place and try to wash dishes with the blankity-blank houseplants hitting you in the face every five seconds...

1:56 PM  
Blogger Ysabeau said...

How about continuing your Interest in gardening, without actually growing anything? As in, take the occasional photo, look at and collect pretty pictures online, and "grow" them... in your computer! B*B, Ysabeau

11:33 PM  

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