Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Nostolgia for my garden. I've been thinking about some of the suggestions, nand may implement some of them. I won't have youngsters helping me as the time spent sitting supervising is as hard as sitting anywhere else. I also have not enough space or sun to grow plants indoors.. maybe in our next place. no. CERTAINLY in our next place. But I might think about designing a webapge for a dream garden. hmm... Maybe several dream gardens. I have lists and list of gardens I woudl love to have.. medicinal, medieval, oddities... the trouble is finding places where I would have permission to use photos....

Currently, in my neglected garden is a race between two budding plants and the cold. I wonder if the monks hood or the pineappel sage will show blossom before the cold becomes too intense?

in the meantime, here are some pics from the past.


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