Monday, May 22, 2006

pineapple sage, roses, peonies, calendula

Today I planted a Pineapple Sage plant ( Salvia Elegans rutilans) in the same bed as my roses and peonies, and where the calendula will surround the lipstick-red blossoms with golden discs this summer, after the peonies are gone. The colors should go well with the deep yellow-gold rose that's nearest (see pic below). Pineapple Sage is one of the few annuals I grow. Its a perennial much much further south than Michigan, but here its just an annual. Maybe I'll try and overwinter some cuttings in the house this year. hmm....
I found some recipes online that sound intriguing! Pineapple sage smells like pineapple (oddly enough ;-} but I found the scent doesn't last when I dry it and I ended up tossing the leaves I harvested last year. So these recipes were a surprise! They seem to use the leaves when fresh, and add the blossoms for color to teas, jellies and such. I added them to some herbal tea blend myself last summer, come to think of it. One site suggested lining a cake pan with the leaves, then pouring in the cake batter.. I wonder if that would add flavor to banana bread?
Here's a site with more ideas: Pineapple Sage Recipes

My pictures are locked up on a dead computer somewhere, waiting for Oscar to free them, but I found an image at .


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